Monday, October 19, 2009


i i was having another one of those nightmarish pictures of Sue, yellow, tucked under the blankets, about twenty min after she had passed when i realized something. her face isn't burned when i picture her. infact, i am having trouble remembering how she looked in the hospital. i can see her there in the bed, but it's her face... whole... healed. maybe i am healing as she is (in my mind). funny... i give up on healing last night and tonight i feel like i have made a huge leap forward. the human brain is a funny thing.



April said...

That's why I think it's healthy. We can't deny or ignore feelings, we just have to let them run their course. Grief, I believe, is something you never "get over," but the emotion itself is manageable if it's not denied.
Love you.

Superduke1 said...

How did you get to be so smart?